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This catalogue is the result of the website developer (an avid metal detectorist) developing an interest in gold rings after being fortunate enough to have recovered four posy rings whilst on metal detecting trips (all of which were reported as potential Treasure and recorded on the PAS database).  One of the rings recovered was particularly unusual and no parallel could be found by researching the inscription.  During the course of researching these rings the developer became fascinated by the range of designs and inscriptions found on gold rings and decided to produce this catalogue so that future discoverers of rings might easily identify, ascribe a date to, and possibly learn the potential value of their find.

The information used  is from the Portable Antiquities Scheme database.  The database was searched using the terms 'Ring' and 'Gold'.  The search results were filtered to show only those rings that had an inscription and had clear, colour images; these are the rings shown in this catalogue.

The catalogue shows the various types of inscribed rings and from which county each type, and numbers of each type have been recorded.

It shows how the potential age of the rings may be determined by using factors such as lettering style, language and inscription position and by comparison with existing examples recorded on the database.

Finally it shows whether the examples recorded were deemed to be Treasure, the values determined by the Treasure Valuation Committee of the British Museum and the final destinations of the rings (where known)


1.  The numbers of rings shown in the various charts do not necessarily add up to the number of rings that are recorded in that particular category of ring as in some cases the information recorded on some rings is incomplete.

2.  Records are continually being added to this catalogue and the date of the last update is shown on the Home page.  Analysis of records and updating of charts takes place annually.


The images shown in this catalogue have been edited and enhanced as permitted by the Creative Commons Licence in order to clearly show the inscriptions.  Each record acknowledges the original image rights holder and indicates the type of Creative Commons licence associated with the image.

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