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Buckle rings
Number recorded on PAS database: 8
These very distinctive rings are in the form of a belt with a buckle; the buckle may be flush or almost flush with the belt or it may be very pronounced. Not all buckle rings were made of gold and examples made of silver or copper alloy exist on the PAS database. One example of a gold hybrid buckle/stirrup type ring has been reported which features the characteristics of both types of ring (YORYM-AA837B – see section on stirrup rings).
These rings date predominantly to around the 16th – 17th C and are therefore likely to be subject to reporting under the Treasure Act.
Inscription language
Inscription position
Lettering style
List of all inscriptions (sorted alphabetically)
Inscription | Date | Makers' Mark | PAS ID | Found (County) |
A\. ce poinct demevre | 16th-17th C | None | SF-772FD9 | Suffolk |
Altro non cheado | 16th-17th C | None | BERK-7BCFFC | Berkshire |
Honi soit qui mal y pen[se] | 18th-19th C | None | YORYM-4813C8 | East Riding of Yorkshire |
Hope is mi holde / till hap shall helpe | 16th-17th C | None | HAMP-62C152 | Hampshire |
Mon avovs | 16th-17th C | None | DOR-9E69F3 | Dorset |
Thovghe sorov nov not ever so | 16th-17th C | None | LIN-099EA6 | Lincolnshire |
Time trieth trvth | 17th C | None | GLO-244613 | Gloucestershire |
Tovt par amovr | 16th-17th C | None | NMS-411415 | Norfolk |
The rings:
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