The lettering used in the inscription can give a clue as to the age of the ring with Gothic and Lombardic being earlier than lowercase, uppercase and mixed case. In this catalogue the scripts and categorisation are:
Lettering styles
All of the inscription is in capitals (uppercase)
Date range: 1st-19th C
Commonest date range:16th-17th C
Examples: DUR-343D59 and NMS77149D
Also known as ‘black letter’ script
Date range: 13th-19th C
Commonest date range: 15th C
Examples: LANCUM-632780 and DENO-5082A6
A decorative form of capital (uppercase) letters
Date range: 13th-16th C
Commonest date range: 13th-16th C
Examples: YORYM-0A0FD2 and NMS-CFF3F5
All of the letters of the inscription are in lowercase including the initial letter
Date range: 16th-18th C
Commonest date range: 17th-18th C
Examples: WILT-AFE9A5 and ESS-6B83B5
Different parts of the inscription are in lowercase and uppercase; this may be as ‘sentence case’ where the initial letter is capitalised and the remaining letters are lowercase (see BERK-118101 and KENT-6C2FB6 below) or the differing cases may be random through the inscription.
Date range16th-19th C
Commonest date range: 17th-18th C
Examples: BERK-118101 and KENT-6C2FB6